Chronic pain in one form or another affects an estimated one in five Americans, with about eight percent of those individuals suffering from pain severe and pervasive enough to limit their quality of life. Unfortunately, painkilling medications may offer only temporary relief while posing potential threats such as addiction and drug interactions.
If a musculoskeletal or neurological issue has left you with constant or recurring pain, you should know about safe, non-pharmaceutical remedies that address the underlying cause of the pain, including chiropractic care. Take a look at three common (and painful) problems that chiropractic treatment may help.
1. Tension Headaches
Tension headaches can vary from mild annoyances to productivity-killing events that may cause you to call in sick from work or skip important household tasks. This common type of headache causes a persistent ache behind the eyes or on either side (and occasionally both sides) of the head.
You might not realize that the pain in your head actually begins in your neck. When neck muscles near the base of the skull tense up, they pull on a tissue called the dura mater that surrounds the brain. This highly sensitive tissue then reacts by sending pain signals into your head. A neck misalignment can promote this muscle tension.
Chiropractic adjustments to the cervical spine can help you rid yourself of chronic tension headaches. By restoring the weight balanced between your head and your neck, your chiropractor can take abnormal stress off of your neck muscles, which allows them to stay relaxed and eliminates those painful tugs on the dura mater.
2. Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome
Inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS) can make everyday life deeply unpleasant. This dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract can leave you with chronic constipation, diarrhea, or alternating bouts of both. You may also suffer from constant stomachaches, gas, and bloating that interferes with your ability to enjoy your daily routine.
You might not associate chiropractic treatment with bowel problems. However, chiropractic adjustment can indeed help you gain better control over your IBS, especially when medications fall short of providing consistent relief. Better yet, chiropractic care doesn't pose risks of side effects or drug interactions.
Chiropractic treatment attempts to address the root of your IBS issues by improving the communications between your brain and your digestive system. By correcting spinal alignment errors that compress the nerves governing your bowels, your chiropractor can help this system work more normally.
3. Sciatica
Sciatica can make standing up, sitting down, turning in your chair, or even coughing a painful trial. In this chronic pain syndrome, the spinal nerve roots that feed signals to the leg's sciatic nerve become pinched or compressed. This compression can plague your leg with numbness, tingling, weakness, and even excruciating pain.
The nerve compression that causes sciatica may stem from a variety of spinal issues, from stenosis to sacroiliac joint dysfunction. In one common scenario, a bulging or herniated disc places pressure on the nerve roots where they attach to the spinal cord. Overburdened lower back muscles that go into spasm can also cause sciatica.
One chiropractic technique that works particularly well against sciatica goes by the name of non-surgical spinal decompression. This advanced form of spinal traction therapy gently moves the vertebrae apart just enough to draw a bulging or herniated disc away from the spinal nerve roots, releasing the pressure.
The skilled team at Corner Chiropractic Center can discover the root of your chronic pain, administer the right kinds of chiropractic adjustment to fix it and provide you with smart self-care strategies such as an exercise and nutrition plan. Contact our office today to tell us about your needs and request an appointment.