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Signs You Need To Visit a Chiropractor After a Car Accident

  • By No Author
  • 31 Mar, 2023

Car accidents can lead to different types of injuries, including fractures and broken bones, whiplash, traumatic brain injury, concussions, scrapes and cuts, and bruises. While some of these injuries may not show up right after a car accident, they can take days, weeks, or even months for symptoms to appear.

Visiting a chiropractor can help diagnose and treat hidden injuries, reduce inflammation and long-term pain, and restore mobility.

A professional chiropractor diagnoses your condition and designs the best treatment plan tailored to your personal injuries and needs. Your chiropractor will use various types of chiropractic treatment to speed up recovery without medication or invasive treatments. These treatments may include whiplash treatment, manual therapy, electric stimulation, and spinal manipulation.

But as a car accident victim, how do you know you need to seek chiropractic treatment? Discover some signs that you need to visit a chiropractor after a car accident.

If you're involved in a car crash or collision, you may experience acute or chronic pain, especially in the back, joints, and neck region. Acute is sudden and sharp pain, which can be due to whiplash, herniated or bulging disc, sprains, strains, and bruises. Chronic pain can last months after the car accident and can be mild or severe.

Even if you don't feel hurt, you might need to seek treatment as the pain might be delayed due to fight-or-flight response and adrenaline rush in your body. The body's reaction decreases its ability to feel pain, so you may not realize you are hurt until hours or days after the accident.
Chiropractic care can help you identify the root cause of your pain and provide treatment. Even if you have no signs of injuries or pain, your chiropractor will conduct a medical evaluation to diagnose and treat any hidden issue that may cause you problems in the future.

Pinched or damaged nerves and misaligned spinal discs can lead to numbness and tingling sensation in different parts of your body, especially the neck and back. If you experience numbness or tingling after a car accident, book an appointment with a chiropractor. The doctor will prescribe a treatment plan, which may involve non-invasive chiropractic adjustments to relieve this feeling.

After a car accident, you may feel stiffness mostly in the upper body — the arms, neck, shoulders, head, or upper back. Experiencing stiffness in such areas not only causes discomfort but can also be a sign of serious injury in your body. If you notice stiffness after a car accident, visit a chiropractor for a safe and effective treatment to manage stiffness.

When your body is involved in a traumatic experience like a car crash, it will try to protect itself from further injuries and damage, leading to inflammation. The inflammation may result from stretching or macro-tears of ligaments and muscles, broken bones, or lacerations.

If it is not diagnosed and treated, inflammation can cause chronic pain, such as post-traumatic arthritis or long-term health issues. A chiropractor can identify the cause and customize the treatment method to reduce inflammation.

Sleeping Problems
Physical injuries and the psychological impact of an auto accident can cause sleep disturbance or insomnia in car accident victims. Your chiropractor can help ease any muscle tension causing restlessness, relieve discomfort and pain, enhance blood flow, and relax your entire body to improve sleep quality after an accident.

If you are experiencing any of these signs or have been involved in a car crash, you need to seek chiropractic care for a full recovery. These experts have the necessary experience and skills to make a full diagnosis and create a personalized treatment plan for you. If you're a car crash victim, contact Corner Chiropractic Center for quality chiropractic services.

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