Blog Post

How Can Chiropractic Care Boost Your Sleep?

  • By No Author
  • 23 Nov, 2022

Quality sleep is critical for a better quality of life. When you sleep well, you have more energy and less stress, making you more productive and easier to get along with.

However, many people struggle to get a decent night’s sleep. Sleep quality is not equivalent to the amount of time you spend in bed but to the time you spend in deep sleep. Read on to understand more about quality sleep and chiropractic care.

What Causes Poor Sleep Quality?

Numerous issues may compromise the quality of your sleep. For instance, anxiety and stress are significant causes of poor sleep. In addition, when you can't shut off your mind at night, you may have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep through the night. Some common causes of poor sleep patterns include the following.


Insomnia is one disorder that harms the quality of your sleep. Insomnia may make it hard for you to fall asleep or stay asleep. With insomnia, you often wake up feeling unrefreshed, which can lead to daytime fatigue and sleepiness.

Insomnia may also make you irritable and decrease your ability to concentrate during the day. It can also lead to anxiety about going to bed and a lack of energy during the day.


Anxiety is what you feel when you are stressed out or worried about something. However, some people experience anxiety so severe that it interferes with their daily lives.

Chronic Pain

Back pain and arthritis are chronic pain that can make it difficult to sleep. Pain steals your peace and can make it hard to relax enough to fall asleep.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder accompanied by breathing pauses that may last a few seconds to minutes. These breathing pauses can often happen throughout the night and make it hard to get quality sleep.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Chiropractic care is a drug-free, non-surgical health care approach focusing on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The procedures can boost your sleep quality as follows.

Reduce Pain

One of the primary benefits of chiropractic care is pain relief. When you experience less pain, falling asleep and staying asleep through the night is more manageable. The reason is that you're not tossing and turning to find a comfortable position.

Chiropractic care can also help reduce chronic pain by correcting alignment issues and improving the range of motion. In addition, this procedure can decrease the need for pain medication.

Improve the Nervous System

Chiropractic care can help improve the nervous system, so the body can function at its best. An improved nervous system leads to better sleep because the body can relax and heal properly during sleep.

Eliminate Misalignment in the Spine

One of the primary causes of chronic pain is a misalignment in the spine. When the spine is out of alignment, it puts pressure on the nerves. The pressure can cause pain, inflammation, and other problems.

Chiropractic care can correct these misalignments, which take the pressure off the nerves and allow the body to heal. This benefit can lead to improved sleep because the body can relax properly.

Chiropractic care is not just a way to relieve pain but also to improve the quality of your sleep and overall life quality. So, if you have been having trouble falling asleep or often wake up feeling tired, contact us at Corner Chiropractic Center for a consultation. We will develop a personalized treatment plan depending on your cause of sleep disruption.

Our team looks forward to helping you return to getting good rest and waking up feeling refreshed and well-rested in the morning.

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