Blog Post

5 Long-Term Complications of Poor Posture

  • By Admin
  • 23 Jul, 2020
Woman With Good Posture — Fair Oaks, CA — Corner Chiropractic Center

Many people have jobs that require long hours in front of a computer. Plus, thanks to phones, tablets and other forms of daily screen use, more and more people sit incorrectly for long periods of time. Over time, this can affect your posture and make it hard, impossible, or painful to sit or stand straight.

Poor posture has many side effects that can make your life miserable, so if you want to know more, read on.

1. Spinal Deformity

A healthy spine has a few curves, but the curves are minimal, and the spine shouldn't curve to the side. Some people are borne with conditions that cause spinal deformities, such as scoliosis, but poor posture can also lead to changes in your spinal structure. Not only does this affect the way you look, but also it can lead to severe pain and limited mobility because of the abnormal shape.

Poor posture often leads to scoliosis or kyphosis. Scoliosis is when the spine curves to the side. This can be caused when you lean to one side in a chair for long periods. Kyphosis occurs when your spine curves too far outward. This may straighten your lower back, which is naturally curved, or create a hunched back appearance.

2. Poor Lung Performance

If you have chronic bad posture, it may even affect your lung performance. The more you slouch forward, the shorter and tighter your chest muscles become. If they become too tight, they may prevent you from taking deep breaths, which creates issues with shallow breathing.

In addition, poor posture puts pressure on the diaphragm, which makes the diaphragm more difficult to expand. This also makes it harder to take a good deep breath. Without good, healthy breaths, you can't get all the oxygen you need for your internal organs and tissues to function properly.

3. Poor Circulation

Poor circulation is a similar problem to poor lung performance because it hinders how much healthy blood reaches the different cells in your body. Bad posture can cause poor circulation with tight muscles and joints, which may compress arteries.

In particular, poor posture can lead to high blood pressure. The reduced blood flow throughout the body makes your heart work harder.

4. Nerve Pain

Nerves also take a beating when you have poor posture. The incorrect position of bones and muscles can put unnecessary pressure on nerves, which can cause pain throughout the body. A pinched nerve in the top of your neck may cause neck pain, neck stiffness, or headaches. If you have a pinched nerve in the neurovascular bundle, the nerve pain may shoot down your arms.

These conditions can cause constant pain, or they may only cause pins and needles or numbness. The symptoms of a compressed nerve in the neurovascular bundle include feelings of weakness or heaviness in the arms (especially when you raise them above your head), cramp-like pain in arms and hands, changes in the color of the hand, and cold hands.

5. Digestive Issues

Poor posture can even affect your digestive system, and it does this in several ways. First, poor posture puts pressure on your stomach and intestines, which makes it harder for them to properly process and eliminate waste. This slows the digestive process, which can lead to bloating, feelings of fullness, and heartburn.

Constipation is another possible side effect of poor posture. When you have poor posture, and you try to evacuate your bowels, the poor posture causes your knees to fall below your hips, which partially closes the anus and makes it hard to pass stool. Finally, all the excess pressure on the lower abdomen from hunching forward can lead to pressure on the bladder, which can cause incontinence or leaking.

Poor posture has many side effects, and many people suffer from bad posture. However, you can fix your posture over time. One of the best first steps you can take is to talk with a chiropractor. A good chiropractor can relieve immediate pain and teach you exercises that will help with your posture. For more information, contact us at Corner Chiropractic Center today.
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