If you have trouble moving your jaw without pain, stiffness, and other uncomfortable results, you may suffer from temporomandibular mandibular joint disorder. This disorder, commonly referred to as TMD or TMJ (after the jaw joint it involves), can stem from numerous causes and create equally numerous symptoms.
Fortunately, you can obtain relief from this painful problem through a combination of medical treatment (including chiropractic care) and lifestyle modifications. The following questions and answers will help you understand TMJ causes, symptoms, treatment, and preventative care.
Why Do People Suffer From TMJ?
The temporomandibular joint connects each end of your jawbone to your skull. A complex assembly of muscles and connective tissues allows the jaw to move in a variety of directions. A disc of cartilage cushions the bone ends against painful friction. Damage to these structures from an acute impact injury can leave you with TMJ.
TMJ also occurs due to chronic conditions. Arthritis in the joint itself can make jaw motion both difficult and painful. A longtime error in the way your teeth or jaws come together can place the joints under chronic strain. A misalignment between your skull and your cervical vertebrae can aggravate this strain.
Nerve compression in the cervical spine offers yet another possible source of TMJ symptoms. If you have a bulging or herniated disc in this part of your spinal column, the pinched nerve tissue may refer pain up to your jaw.
What Symptoms Indicate a TMJ Problem?
Classic TMJ symptoms include pain and stiffness when you open and close your jaw. The pain may radiate to your face, ear, neck, or shoulders while also contributing to tension headaches. You may experience clicking noises or popping sensations when you move your jaw. Your jaw may even lock on you unexpectedly.
When Does TMJ Require More than Just Dental Treatment?
Dentists can ease TMJ symptoms related to bite alignment errors. Dental treatments for TMJ commonly include procedures to help the teeth come together as they should and night guards to reduce muscular tension in the jaw during sleep. However, these treatments may not help if your condition stems from a joint problem.
You may need chiropractic treatment instead of (or in addition to) dental care to get your TMJ firmly under control. If so, your chiropractor will work closely with your dentist to create a personalized holistic treatment plan.
How Can Chiropractic Adjustments Ease TMJ Symptoms?
If you seek chiropractic evaluation for your TMJ symptoms, your chiropractor may perform detailed evaluations of both your jaw alignment and your spinal alignment, since a problem in either area could contribute to your discomfort. Your medical history, specific symptoms, any recent injury experience may confirm the diagnosis.
The kind of chiropractic adjustment you receive will depend on the origin of the problem. For instance, if you have arthritis or an alignment problem in your temporomandibular joint, the chiropractor may adjust that joint directly. If you have a cervical spinal misalignment, your neck may receive the adjustments.
Disc problems in the cervical spine may respond to a non-surgical technique called decompression therapy. The controlled application of distraction (pulling-apart) force can take the pressure off of the nerve tissue and help the disc in question shift into a more normal position in the spinal column.
How Can You Minimize Your Risks for Future TMJ Issues?
TMJ related to an acute injury or temporary jaw misalignment may go away for good once you've received the proper treatment. If you struggle with recurring TMJ symptoms related to some chronic underlying musculoskeletal problem, your chiropractor can help you keep those annoying symptoms under better control.
Periodic chiropractic wellness checks can reveal any new spinal alignment errors that require correction before they can cause TMJ recurrences. Your chiropractor can recommend exercises to improve your cervical spinal posture and/or relax your jaw muscles. You may also benefit from techniques to manage stress.
If your dentist can't resolve your TMJ trouble, pay a visit to Corner Chiropractic Center for a musculoskeletal evaluation and any joint adjustments you may need. Contact our office today for an appointment.