Blog Post

How a Chiropractor Can Help You With Weight Goals

  • By Admin
  • 23 Jan, 2020
Chiropractic Therapy – Fair Oaks, California – Corner Chiropractic Center

At the start of the new year, a lot of people make goals to improve their diet and weight.

You may already know that a poor diet and a high BMI can increase the risk of developing certain conditions - like high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. But have you considered how a poor diet and extra weight can affect your spinal health?

Learn more about your spinal health and how a chiropractor can help you find solutions to achieve your goals.

How Does a Poor Diet Affect Your Spinal Health?

Your spinal bones are made up of water, collagen, and minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. If you aren't getting the right nutrients in your diet, then the vertebrae can lose their strength and prematurely wear down.

If you have a poor diet, you may experience unnecessary back pain. A lot of people with poor diets eat a lot of simple sugars and carbs with little nutritional value. Too much sugar can cause excess inflammation in the body. Excess inflammation can exacerbate conditions like sciatica or spinal arthritis.

But choosing the right nutrients for your spinal health is not enough - you need to get the right amounts of nutrients in your diet.

For example, if you decide to cut out a lot of fat in your diet to lose weight, this action may backfire. Without the right amount of fats in your diet, it's harder for your body to absorb vitamin D. Vitamin D is vital for building strong vertebrae.

Because protein is a key nutrient for bone health and preventing osteoporosis, some people may try to overcompensate and consume a lot of it. But if you consume too much protein, then calcium can be leached from your bones.

In short, a poor diet can cause inflammation that can cause back pain and premature wear and tear of your spine. Besides consuming nutrient-rich foods each day, it's important to get the right portions of essential nutrients.

How Does Extra Weight Affect Your Spinal Health?

When you carry extra body weight you can increase your risk of musculoskeletal injuries by 48%. Discs cushion the vertebrae in your back, but when you have extra weight, these discs can slip or rupture.

Extra weight can cause nerve impingement, which can lead to sciatica. In fact, excess weight is one of the most common causes of sciatic pain; and, since 34% of the adult population in the U.S. is obese, a lot of people could be at risk for this condition.

However, for every four pounds of weight that you lose, you can remove about sixteen pounds of pressure on your spine.

How Can a Chiropractor Help?

If you want to prevent spinal conditions and achieve your diet and weight loss goals, seek out a chiropractor. They can provide the following services.

Nutritional Counseling

A chiropractor can help you develop an individualized dieting plan so that you get the necessary amounts of proteins, minerals, and vitamins every day.

Exercise Planning

It's easier to lose weight when you are accountable to someone. Your chiropractor can check in with you at your appointments to see how your weight loss is going and to see how your diet changes are going.

If extra body weight makes exercise too hard, your chiropractor can provide you with a list of low-impact activities and stretches.

Spinal Decompressions

During spinal decompression, your chiropractor will gently stretch the spine. Spinal decompressions promote the healthy flow of nutrient-rich fluids between discs.

Spinal decompression can help people with bulging or herniated discs and pinched nerves. Spinal decompression can relieve any back pain, thus making it easier for you to resume your exercise goals.

Contact us at Corner Chiropractic Center for more information today.

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