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3 Bodily Systems You Didn't Know Chiropractic Care Could Help

  • By Admin
  • 18 May, 2019
Chiropractic Care
Many people see chiropractic care as helping musculoskeletal issues since a large part of chiropractic consists of spinal alignments. Also, this would affect your nervous system, since your main nerve (the spinal cord) runs right down your spine. But, did you know that if you have a misalignment, chiropractic care can help with a number of other issues as well?

Here are three bodily systems you may not have known that chiropractic care could help with.

1. Digestive System

Chiropractic care, and the results of correcting misalignments, can help your digestive system work better and more in sync and could even help with digestive ailments. For example, the improved posture that correct spinal alignment can provide can help your digestive system. The spinal alignment can allow for better blood flow to your digestive organs.

Another way chiropractic care could help is by relieving pressure on the nerves that tell your digestive tract what to do. This pressure, or compression, can restrict nerve function and cause digestive issues that can then improve significantly after an alignment.

One final potential reason for improved digestion with chiropractic care is that exercise, or even just moving around, can help get your digestive system going. If your chiropractic care lessens your pain and increases your range of motion so you can lead a more active lifestyle, this can indirectly improve digestion as well.

2. Lymphatic System

Improving your alignment and your posture isn't just great for digestion but with lymphatic flow as well. If your chiropractic center has an inversion table, this can also help with lymphatic drainage.

In addition, some chiropractic providers are also experienced with lymphatic massage. This is different from muscle massage, as lymph nodes are located just under the surface of the skin. The chiropractor knows where they are located, and gentle lymphatic massage may help with conditions such as lymphedema.

Check to see if your chiropractor is certified in lymphatic drainage massage.

3. Endocrine System

One of the key principles of chiropractic care is that your spine is crucial to so many different bodily processes. For example, your spinal cord controls your autonomic nervous system, which tells your hormoneproducing glands what to do.

Your endocrine system has a variety of different glands, and if some of them don't get the correct signals, your whole body could be out of whack.

In fact, hormone production issues can cause problems ranging from mental health issues to thyroid problems to reproductive problems and much more. Regular chiropractic care to keep your spine correctly aligned so it won't inhibit your spinal cord's function can be part of a treatment plan for managing or avoiding hormone imbalances.

These are just three of the systems in your body that a chiropractic professional can help. Additionally, you also have more obvious musculoskeletal effects, and some chiropractic patients find relief from headaches or repetitive strain injuries. But when you realize how much different bodily systems affect each other, you can see even more benefits.

One or more of these three bodily systems may be unbalanced without you even knowing it. Many health conditions can have knock-on effects in other areas (similar to how diabetes makes you more susceptible to periodontal disease). So be sure to have regular chiropractic treatments if you and your doctor think they could help avoid or manage any health problems.

Corner Chiropractic Center is ready to help you improve your posture, your range of motion, and perhaps even your quality of life with regular chiropractic adjustments. Get in touch with us today online or over the telephone to talk about our services and discuss becoming a new patient. We'll be happy to help you whether you have an injury, chronic pain, or just poor posture.
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