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Chiropractic Care for Joint and Bone Diseases

  • By Admin
  • 17 Jul, 2019
Chiropractic Care for Joint and Bone
Many people think about chiropractic care as a treatment for an injury. Chiropractors do help workers that strain their backs while lifting boxes or treat car accident victims in need of relief. The specialists also often treat patients with chronic conditions that affect the joints and bones, to enable better mobility and to reduce the need for pain medication.

Relief for Arthritis Pain

Arthritis pain and stiffness often immobilize sufferers. Chiropractic care as a part of the management of the disease can help people to slow down the progression of the illness. It also helps to increase patient comfort. Acute conditions and inflamed joints may prevent chiropractors from using manipulation, but other treatment options exist.

Some of the methods used can include ultrasound or magnet therapy, ice and heat treatments, and electronic stimulation. Most chiropractors also counsel their patients on what they can do at home to help themselves. For example, a healthy diet and exercise are necessary to keep people strong and moving freely.

Ankylosing spondylitis patients, those with arthritis that primarily affects the spine, can receive help from adjustments designed especially for their type of concerns. Arthritis in the spine often causes the patient to have a hunched posture that results in discomfort. Chiropractic adjustments and therapeutic exercises keep the spine more flexible to reduce posture issues.

Chiropractic care can also help people with psoriatic arthritis. The treatment should take place between inflammatory flares to relieve stiffness and pain. The improvement in mobility and the increased stableness of the joints can support the muscles weakened by the recent flare-up. The treatments may also reduce the rate of joint deterioration caused by the disease.

Help With Osteoporosis Discomfort

Osteoporosis weakens the bones in the body and increases the risk of bone breaks. Falls are one of the common causes of broken bones, and poor mobility raises the risk of a fall. Chiropractic treatments can help people with osteoporosis have a better range of motion for fewer accidents.

Patients should always make their chiropractor aware of their osteoporosis before their first visit. Advanced osteoporosis makes it unsafe for the patient to undergo spinal manipulation. However, it is still possible for treatment to take place with the use of other therapies and a gentler approach.

Help for Other Conditions

Chiropractic care may also be a possibility for other bone conditions like fibrous dysplasia and osteogenesis imperfecta. In both conditions, the treatment can help to control pain but requires care to avoid injury. The use of this treatment depends on the current condition of the patient and should take place only with the approval of their primary care physician.

A medically documented case of a patient that received chiropractic treatments for myelofibrosis, a rare condition affecting the bone marrow, showed an obvious reduction in pain for the patient. The researchers recommended more research but said that manipulation could help many patients.

The report credits the chiropractic treatment for its ability to give patients an overall sense of well-being. Additional notes credited the treatment with stress relief, better strength and mobility, and pain relief.

Cancer care doctors often recommend chiropractic services for their patients to help relieve pain and headaches. However, patients with bone cancer need to discuss the safety of the treatment with their oncologist first. All cancer patients should make their chiropractor aware of their condition.

At Corner Chiropractic Center, we want to help anyone that needs relief from pain and stiffness. Contact us about your health concerns, and we will do all we can to develop a treatment program that addresses your specific needs. Call us today to schedule an appointment.
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