Blog Post

What to Know About Forward Head Posture

  • By Admin
  • 24 Sep, 2019
Therapist Doing Neck Massage — Fair Oaks, CA — Corner Chiropractic Center

Good posture is often hard to achieve. Sitting at a computer all day can cause you to start to slouch or lean forward to see well. All this, however, negatively impacts your posture, which can reduce your mobility and leave you in constant pain. One common posture issue is forward head position. If you want to stop your pain, check out more about forward head position.

What Is Forward Head Position?

When you sit or stand with good posture, your ears should line up with the gravity line: a fake line that represents gravity's pull. With forward head posture, your chin slowly pokes forward, which pushes the ears in front of the gravity line.

This makes your head feel like it weighs a lot more than it really does. With good posture, your head should put off about 10 to 12 pounds of force. The further your head bends forward, however, the heavier the head feels. With only a 15-degree forward tilt, the head weighs 27 pounds. At 60 degrees, the head feels like it weighs 60 pounds.

What Causes the Condition?

Poor posture causes forward head position. Thanks to computers, tablets, and phones, your head is often tilted down. At a computer, you may also lean closer as eye strain makes it harder to see. Overtime, this actually alters the muscles in your neck and shoulders. Typically, with forward head posture, the muscles in the front of the neck become elongated and weaker.

At the same time, the muscles at the back of your neck and shoulders shorten and tighten. With severe forward head posture, standing with good posture may be impossible or painful. The condition is also often accompanied by kyphosis (hunchback), which causes the shoulders and upper back to round forward.

What Are the Symptoms?

The most obvious symptom of forward head posture is bad posture: chin poking out, rounded shoulders, and tilted head. Of course, the real symptoms are pain and limited mobility. You often feel pain when you try to use the tight muscles of the back of the neck and shoulders. This can make it hard, painful, or impossible to fully move your arms, shoulder, neck, and head.

Tight muscles can also cause tension headaches or TMJ pain. In severe cases, muscle ischemia may occur. This happens when blood flow is restricted, which causes a block or buildup in your arteries. If left untreated, it may lead to severe problems.

How Is the Condition Treated?

Forward head posture is treated by managing the pain/stiffness while also working on strengthening and lengthening muscles. Your doctor or chiropractor can provide you with the guidance you need to fix your forward head position. Other things you can do are adjust the computer screen, keep your chest lifted when sitting, and use a neck pillow.

Forward head posture can cause a lot of pain, so if you need immediate relief, you have options. One of the best choices is a chiropractic adjustment, which can loosen up the joints you haven't been able to move because of tight muscles. This can help reduce pain immediately and help with mobility so you can do more exercises and stretches. The chiropractor may also perform modalities, such as massage or electrical stimulation, which can help relax tight muscles.

Forward head position treatment takes time, and it requires a lot of stretching and exercising. If you need immediate relief, however, a chiropractic adjustment and modalities may help. If you would like to know more about chiropractic manipulations or modalities and how they can help with your posture, contact us at Corner Chiropractic Center today.

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